On Site Service Work


In the current global economic climate we understand the importance of being flexible in meeting our customer’s logistical needs whenever and wherever necessary. Many components are impractical to move due to their size, location or installation method and so we have extended our services to incorporate on-site service work.

E/M Coating Services have dedicated field crews who can be mobilised at short notice anywhere in the World. We offer on-site coating applications, maintenance and repairs, coating and paint stripping, pre and post applications and NACE Inspection Services. Naturally, all our on-site work is carried out to the same high standards and specifications as we offer in our own facilities.

In addition to resolving any issues you may have logistically, the benefits of our field crews working on-site include the potential of reduced disruption to your operations by:

  1. potentially reducing downtime of any affected equipment or parts
  2. a possible reduction in maintenance costs
  3. negating any shipping costs associated with moving the affected parts to our facilities

If you would like to discuss your on site requirements in more detail then please contact us and our experience engineers will be happy to help.